Reimbursement Scheme Elvanse®
Elvanse's medicine page has been updated. In the menu 'who can submit a claim' you can now read more about the declaration process...
Claiming for multiple family members
TBR Nederland has added a new function to your account for submitting claims for several people within the same family. This way...
Launch of TerugBetaalRegeling Broxil®
The health insurer does not fully reimburse Broxil® 125 mg / 5 mL, powder for oral suspension. The producer of this medicine has...
Launch of TerugBetaalRegeling Acecort® en Fludrace®
The health insurer does not fully reimburse Acecort® 1mg and Fludrace® 62.5mcg. The producer of this medicine has therefore asked...
Termination TerugBetaalRegeling Xarelto®
Xarelto® is fully reimbursement from the 1st of January 2020. For this reason the co-payment is ended. Expenses from before the...
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Check your medicine expenses
Quickly check the maximum contribution you have to pay for your medicine