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Termination TerugBetaalRegeling Tecfidera®

Termination TerugBetaalRegeling Tecfidera®


As of December 1, 2021, a Personal Contribution for Tecfidera is no longer required. Health insurers will once again fully...

Termination TerugBetaalRegeling Fragmin®2500

Termination TerugBetaalRegeling Fragmin®2500


From January 1st 2022 onwards, the reimbursement scheme for FRAGMIN (dalteparine)2500 INJVLST 12.500IE/ML WWSP 0,2ML will be...

Reimbursement Scheme Forxiga® (dapagliflozin) 10 mg for patients with diabetes partially stopped

Reimbursement Scheme Forxiga® (dapagliflozin) 10 mg for patients with diabetes partially stopped


From September 1st 2021 onwards, Forxiga® (dapagliflozin) 10 mg for the treatment of adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus with a...

Reimbursement Scheme Forxiga® (dapagliflozine) 10 mg - Chronic Kidney Disease

Reimbursement Scheme Forxiga® (dapagliflozine) 10 mg - Chronic Kidney Disease


The health insurer does not yet fully reimburse Forxiga® (dapagliflozine) 10 mg for the treatment of chronic kidney disease...

Termination TerugBetaalRegeling Forxiga® - Hartfalen

Termination TerugBetaalRegeling Forxiga® - Hartfalen


From July 1st 2021 onwards, Forxiga® (dapagliflozine) 10 mg for the treatment of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction...

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