Where can I find the statement from my health insurer?
Click here to see where on the website of your health insurer you can find the statement.
Where can I see the status of my claim?
You can…
Here is how it works, step by step:
What is the difference between Contribution and Excess for Dutch health insurance? Listen to the spoken version or read the flyer of the Dutch Government (in…
Verify your mobile phone
After you have clicked on the verification link, you will be send a text message with a code to complete the registration process. As soon as you have entered…
Here is how it works, step by step:
What is the difference between Contribution and Excess for Dutch health insurance? Listen to the spoken version or read the flyer of the Dutch Government (in…
Termination TerugBetaalRegeling Fampyra®
Fampyra® is fully reimbursement from the 1st of September 2019. For this reason the co-payment for Fampyra ended per August 31, 2019. Expenses from the…
We believe in making the TBR Nederland web site's information and functionality equally available to all visitors. We have therefore made this site as usable and accessible as possible so you…
A growing number of pharmaceutical companies want to contribute to keeping healthcare affordable. They do so by setting up a Reimbursement Scheme, which applies to the Personal…
What is the difference between Contribution and Excess for Dutch health insurance? Listen to the spoken version or read the flyer of the Dutch Government (in Dutch):
Download 'Flyer Eigen…
Select your medicine
Check your medicine expenses
Quickly check the maximum contribution you have to pay for your medicine
Check Medicijnkosten
If you need any assistance please read our…
Submit a claim, step-by-step:
If you submit a claim online, you will receive your money within 5 working days. Alternatively claiming by post takes 15 days.
What is the difference between…