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Launch of TerugBetaalRegeling Acecort® en Fludrace®Launch of TerugBetaalRegeling Acecort® en Fludrace®

Launch of TerugBetaalRegeling Acecort® en Fludrace®


The health insurer does not fully reimburse Acecort® 1mg and Fludrace® 62.5mcg. The producer of this medicine has therefore asked...

Termination TerugBetaalRegeling Xarelto®

Termination TerugBetaalRegeling Xarelto®


Xarelto® is fully reimbursement from the 1st of January 2020. For this reason the co-payment is ended. Expenses from before the...

Termination TerugBetaalRegeling Invega®

Termination TerugBetaalRegeling Invega®


Invega® is fully reimbursement from the 1st of December 2019. For this reason the co-payment is ended. Expenses from before the...

Specified overview health insurer

Specified overview health insurer


To consider and process an invoice of a GVS medicine, we need a specified overview of your healthcare costs issued by your health...

Termination TerugBetaalRegeling Fampyra®

Termination TerugBetaalRegeling Fampyra®


Fampyra® is fully reimbursement from the 1st of September 2019. For this reason the co-payment for Fampyra ended per August 31,...

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