Update Reimbursement Scheme Forxiga® - HFpEF

TerugBetaalRegeling Forxiga® (dapagliflozin) 10 mg for patients with symptomatic chronic heart failure with a LVEF ≥ 40% (HFmrEF & HFpEF) has been stopped.
From July 1st 2023 onwards, Forxiga® (dapagliflozin) 10 mg for symptomatic chronic heart failure is fully reimbursement by the health insurer. Therefore the TerugBetaalRegeling (TBR) Forxiga® (dapagliflozin) 10 mg for patients with symptomatic chronic heart failure with a LVEF ≥ 40% (HFmrEF & HFpEF) has been stopped. The manufacturer of this medicine has reimbursed the costs of the personal contribution to the patient from February 13th until June 30th 2023.
Declaration with an issue date between the above dates can still be submitted until November 1st 2023.
For your information: the reimbursement scheme for patients with diabetes type 2 who are not eligible for the reimbursement of the health insurer (i.e. WITHOUT a very high risk of cardiovascular disease or without metformin and/or an SU derivative) will continue to exist.
If you are unsure whether or not your patient is eligible for regular reimbursement through GVS, check out Forxiga’s reimbursement overview or the digital reimbursement guide.
For a complete reimbursement overview of Forxiga® (dapagliflozin) 10 mg, click here
For a digital reimbursement guide of Forxiga® (dapgliflozin) 10 mg, click here
Who can submit a claim
- Patients or their caregivers can claim the Personal Contribution Forxiga® (dapagliflozin) 10 mg online or by post.
- Pharmacists can only claim this medicine online on behalf of the patient.
For more information check out the Forxiga® (dapagliflozin) 10 mg medicine page