Here is how it works, step by step:
Log in on My TerugBetaalRegeling and select 'Berichten'
You can log in to My TerugBetaaRegeling via your computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet. No account yet? Learn how to create one. After logging in, choose 'Berichten'.
New message from TBR Nederland
When you have received a new message, you will see a (1) at 'Mijn berichten'. You can select 'Mijn berichten' to open this menu-item.
View all your messages
You can now view your 'ontvangen' and 'verzonden' messages. To read the new message, click on the gray text. You can now read the message in full screen mode.
Replying to a message from TBR Nederland
You can also send a reply by selecting 'Antwoord'. Enter your message into the text-area and then select 'Verzenden' when you are ready.
Help us to make sure your claim is processed as quickly as possible
TBR only processes claims that are complete and correct. Do you miss necessary information/documents? Ask your health insurer or pharmacist to provide the correct statements or receipts.
In order to process your claim, we need:
- Account number, date of birth, name and address of the patient
- The name of the medicine, the date of issuance (date of treatment) and the dispensing pharmacist.
- The amount of paid Personal Contribution