Here is how it works, step by step:
Log in on My TerugBetaalRegeling and select 'Mijn Gegevens'
You can log in to My TerugBetaaRegeling via your computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet. No account yet? Learn how to create one . After logging in, select 'Mijn Gegevens'.
Bank account and address details
To change your bank account details or address details, adjust where necessary and save the changes.
Change your password
To change your password, select ’Wijzig wachtwoord’. Enter your current password and the new password. Make sure all conditions are met and confirm by selecting ‘Bevestigen’.
Change TerugBetaalRegelingen
To change your reimbursement schemes, select ‘Wijzigen regelingen’. Check the relevant reimbursement schemes and confirm by selecting ‘Bevestigen’.
Help us to make sure your claim is processed as quickly as possible
TBR only processes claims that are complete and correct. Do you miss necessary information/documents? Ask your health insurer or pharmacist to provide the correct statements or receipts.
In order to process your claim, we need:
- Account number, date of birth, name and address of the patient
- The name of the medicine, the date of issuance (date of treatment) and the dispensing pharmacist.
- The amount of paid Personal Contribution