FAQ by subject:
How can I submit claims online?
You need an account to submit online. You can create this on the website of TBR Nederland. To create an account you need an e-mail address and a mobile phone number. After completion of the registration process you will receive an instruction e-mail regarding the claim process for your medicine. Please read this carefully before you start submitting claims.
What information do I find when I am logged into the online environment?
In My TerugBetaalRegeling you will find the possibility to submit a new claim. You will also find an overview of the claims that you have already submitted and the status of these claims. You will also find an overview of your own data and how you can contact us. For example, it is possible to change which reimbursement schemes you use. Finally, you can read messages that you receive from TBR Nederland and it is possible to send a message back via My TerugBetaalRegeling .
Family account
What is a family account?
With a family account, you manage your own claims and the claims and data of other family members (for example your child(ren)). This way you can find all information in one account instead of managing multiple accounts. Different family members can make use of different Reimbursement Schemes.
How do I create a family account?
First you create an account for yourself. When you are logged in, you can add family members to "Mijn gezin". Here you will find an overview of all members in your account.
I already have an account, but now I want to declare for another family member. What should I do?
You already have an account. When you log into your account, you can add family members to "Mijn gezin". Here you will find an overview of all members in your account. Then you can start claiming.
I have multiple accounts for multiple members in my family, how can I combine them?
If you want to combine multiple accounts, please contact TBR Nederland. For the contact details, see the medicine page of the medicine you use.
How does a family account work?
When you start claiming, first select for which family member you want to claim. Then upload a copy of your health insurer’s overview/invoice from your pharmacy and follow all the usual steps. In ‘Mijn declaraties’ it is possible to filter by family member. As a result, the application only shows the declarations of the selected family member. Also you can change information about yourself or one of your family members at "Mijn gegevens".
Change your details
How can I change my password?
To change your password, first log in to your account with your user data (e-mail address + self-chosen password). Go to 'my details' in the menu. At the bottom of the page, click on 'change password'.
I forgot my password
If you have forgotten your password, click on 'I forgot my password' in the login screen. Enter your user name (e-mail address) in the next screen and click on verification. We will send you an e-mail with instructions to your registered e-mail address. Follow the instructions in the email to set a new password.
How can I change my address or bank account number?
You can change your address or bank account number under the heading 'my details'. After changing your data, click on the 'save' button.
How can I change my selected reimbursement scheme(s) in My TerugBetaaRegeling?
You can change your selected reimbursement scheme(s) by clicking on 'wijzig regeling' under the heading 'mijn gegevens'. Select the reimbursement scheme(s) that you require and unselect the reimbursement scheme(s) you stopped using. Then click 'bevestigen'.
Common problems
I get an error message while logging in
Check if you are using the correct login details. Your username is the e-mail address with which you have registered and you have chosen the password yourself. The data is case sensitive.
Still not working? Contact TBR Nederland
I don't receive a verification email
Check if your email address is entered correctly.
Also check your spam folder, the email might have landed there.
Still not working? Contact TBR Nederland
I don't get an SMS-verification code
Check whether you have entered your mobile phone number correctly. No country code has to be entered, so the mobile number must start with 06-
Still not working? Contact TBR Nederland