TBR Nederland is a unit of Phareso, acronym for PHArmaceutical REimbursement SOlutions. Phareso is an expert provider of state-of-the-art payment solutions. Phareso’s technology is used to reimburse patients, pharmacists, investigators and hospitals securely, professionally and efficiently, on behalf of manufacturers and distributors in the pharmaceutical, medical device and biotech industry.
Service and innovation
TBR Nederland has been focusing on creating and delivering co-payment solutions for prescription medicines and other healthcare products since 1999.
For this purpose, the TerugBetaalRegeling Platform has been developed. A software solution for the processing, evaluation and payment to patients who are required to make a financial contribution (access) for prescription medicines and other care. Paper-based solutions, legacy digital systems and payment-systems are integrated into a seamless, digital transaction platform.
Reliable and independent
TBR Nederland is a leading company within the Dutch care system. Knowledge of and experience with the life sciences industry and care providers, national legislation like the Zorgverzekeringswet (Zvw), the Geneesmiddelenvergoedingssysteem (GVS), de gedragsCode Geneesmiddelenreclame (CGR) and GDPR, are the basis for consulting on and executing full-service TerugBetaalRegelingen (TBR).
For clients
TBR Nederland specialises in the implementation of reimbursement schemes for medicines and medical devices.